Our project named Towards the 100th Anniversary of Republic of Turkey: The Fifty-Year Diplomatic Relations Between Turkish and Foreign Missions in Çankaya-Ankara (1920-1970) has been awarded by the European Union as “TR2016/DG/03/A2-03- Common Cultural Heritage: Conservation and Dialogue Between Turkey and the EU-II (CCH-II) Grant Scheme”. T.R. Ministry of Treasury and Finance Central Finance and Contracts Unit is the contracting authority of the grant program and is responsible for the administrative and financial implementation of the program. T.R. The Ministry of Culture and Tourism is the final beneficiary of the programme.
The partners of our 12-month project;
- Cankaya Municipality,
- Bilkent University Department of History,
- Koç University Vehbi Koç Ankara Studies Application and Research Center (VEKAM),
- Union of the Bulgarian Philatelists,
- Rahmi M. Koç Museum – Ankara
Towards the 100th Anniversary of Republic of Turkey: The Fifty-Year Diplomatic Relations Between Turkish and Foreign Missions in Çankaya-Ankara (1920-1970)

Project Purpose
Our project aims to present a collection of activities and artifacts about the joint history of foreign diplomatic missions and Turkish foreign affairs operating in the capital Ankara between 1920 and 1970. In this context, our project aims to raise awareness about the research subject by informing the target audience of today’s Turkish and foreign diplomatic missions, relevant non-profit non-governmental organizations and amateur researchers. In addition, at the end of our project, cooperation will develop between institutions operating in the field of cultural studies in Europe and Turkey.
Project Scope
The documentary short film and the book to be published from our project outputs will be the first works in the field of the project research subject. These works will contribute to the cultural accumulation of the target audience and the final beneficiaries. Institutions operating in the field of cultural studies abroad will be informed about the project and a basis for cooperation will be established for future studies. Today’s representatives of foreign diplomatic missions and Turkish foreign affairs representatives will attend together for the first time a conference that will consider Ankara’s diplomatic history as a common cultural heritage. The target audience and final beneficiaries will have the opportunity to see the visual materials, most of which will be exhibited for the first time, regarding the research period of the project at the exhibitions to be held within the scope of the project.